The weekend started with a trip over to Hailes Shooting Ground with Bubbles and BBQ Dave. They both shot really well and I was pleased that my performance finally seems to be getting back to where it was before the lockdown started.*
I almost forgot to mention that Whiffler joined us up at Hailes and seemed to enjoy the new experience, especially the fuss and attention he got from the other shooters. The reason for taking him was that we had a house viewing that morning, 30% was quite happy to walk Marauder and #3 while the viewing took place, but couldn't manage all three of the dogs. So, Whiffler came shooting with the lads.
After shooting I spent an hour or so with Bubbles while he fitted a new Bluetooth DAB head unit to the Defender. It seemed that our entire day was spent together as 30% and I were back there in the evening for one of Bubbles' "meat fest" barbecues.
Most of Sunday and Monday were spent attempting to tidy up the garage. It was built when we extended The Pile back in 2007 and I swear that there was stuff in there that hasn't seen the light of day since it was first put on the shelves.
Over the course of the two days 30% and I worked through the various boxes trying to identify possessions that we no longer needed. It is fair to say that this led to a few heated debates as I fall in to the "just chuck the bloody stuff away" camp, whilst 30% wants to either keep it, recycle it or spend an incredible amount of time trying to re-home stuff.**
Despite the strategic disagreements we have made fantastic start on the garage clearance. A Defender full of crap went to the local refuse site and a Mini full of unwanted belongings went to local lady who is a fund raiser for the local Brownie Troop.
We now have shelf space in the garage and it looks a whole lot tidier, providing you don't look up in to the roof space ... That is yet to be tackled.
On the work front it is more of the same. I'm busy trying to define a way forward on the latest project and have managed to persuade the Sales Guy that my proposed course of action is the right one. That is a result, but it still means that I have a metaphorical mountain to climb over the coming weeks.
* I shot 51% overall with individual stand scores of 62.5% and 75% on five of the twelve stands. (5/8 and 6/8)
** By way of example we have 396 jar lids that don't fit the honey jars we use. They were supplied in error and we were not charged for them. My approach is to just put them out for recycling. 30%, on the other hand, advertised them on Facebook and has had several exchanges over the past few days with a local chap who MAY want 20 of them. For fuck's sake!