It was one of those rare days when I didn't have anything particularly significant planned, especially now that collection of my bike was off the list, so I wandered out to the garage in search of something to occupy me. I have to admit that, having spent a fair amount of effort clearing the garage over the past few weeks, it is now a guilty pleasure to spend time in there. I have a huge amount of bench and floor space and my tools can now be reached without having to squeeze past or clamber over the clutter that had accumulated. As a result, even though it was quite chilly in there this morning, it is now enjoyable to work in there.
There are still a couple of areas in the garage that require attention. One of these is occupied by TP's bike. The derailleur needs replacing and he has abandoned it, using 30%'s Mountain Bike instead. He has been warned that it needs to be repaired or it will be scrapped. The other area of garage that needs to be cleared is currently home to an eighteenth century, pine sideboard. This is destined to live in the dining room* but it needs some mild restoration beforehand.
Over the past week I have replaced a worn out rear leg and this morning I made a start on the drawers. These are in great condition apart from the handles. The sideboard originally had turned wooden handles that have long since been lost leaving a 5/8" diameter hole in the front of each drawer. These holes were partially obscured by some replacement brass handles but these too, are at the end of their working life and only two of five remain functional. I have ordered a set of antiqued brass replacements and, while I wait for them to arrive, I made a start on filling the holes in the drawer fronts left when the original handles fell apart. This involved cutting 5/8" diameter cylinders of pine and these were glued in to the holes. After sanding and waxing they will be barely noticeable once the new handles are in place.
That activity filled my morning and in the afternoon I headed out for a walk with T&M. I only encountered one shower and we arrived home damp rather than soaked. The rest of the afternoon was very lazy and the only activity anywhere near worthy of mention was that I advertised TP's motorcycle leathers on eBay. He has sadly outgrown then as they were, by his own admission, cool.
As the evening drew in a fire was lit to insert a little comfort and cheer in to what had been quite a stern, grey day.
* until 30% finds a mahogany one she