The early part of Friday was spent hanging around at home waiting for a delivery that had failed to happen while we were away on holiday. The parcel eventually arrived late in the afternoon and I am now in possession of a Made to Measure shirt courtesy of M&S and I can report that it is fantastic. I have spent a lifetime in shirts that either strangulate me but fit my arms and body or fit nicely around the neck but look like I need to pump a huge amount of iron to develop a corresponding gorilla-like physique ... basically I am a short arse with a 16.5" neck. The new short fits perfectly and I could even go as far as wearing it trendily untucked* without it looking like a mini dress.
With the shirt tucked away in the wardrobe it was far too late to nip over to the Littleton Auction viewing as 30% had a clashing appointment. As we considered alternative uses of our time I noticed that my wallet wasn't where it should be and started to search likely alternative locations. I eventually gave up and started the process of cancelling bank and credit cards** when 30% located it on the floor beside the vegetable rack.*** Fortunately I had only cancelled my bank card and can survive on credit cards until the replacement arrives.
Friday evening saw us head in to Redditch to see Milton Jones at the Palace Theatre and I can report that it was a fine show but the repetitive one liners became hard work after a while, probably due to my Jet Lag. A change in the tempo and structure of the set would have made it seem less arduous. It was still a great evening and Milton gets a well earned 7/10. His Support Act; James Acaster also deserves a mention as a name to watch out for.
Moving on to Saturday; 30% and I rose early and headed over to Littleton for the viewing. After a swift wander round we realised that there were a limited number of lots and didn't even bother hanging around for a coffee and a bacon sandwich let along the start of the Sale. We were home well before lunchtime.
In the afternoon I took T&M for a walk before heading out to the garden and finally dismantling the trampoline; outgrown by TP. This is destined for the O&L residence where it is hoped that the O&L Juniors will spend may happy hours fighting over who pushed who and the fact that their turn was shorter than the other siblings ... Happy Days.
Our plan is to convert the freed up space in to an open fronted garage extension but there is much garden clearance, ground works and builder consultation to take place before that dream becomes a reality. However the space is the perfect location for a small garden incinerator and Boy do we have some materiel to feed in to it!
Impossible though it seems, Sunday was even less productive than Saturday and apart from delivering to and collecting TP from rugby Practice and walking the dogs I did very little, other than a few odd jobs and errands to avoid 30%'s ire ...
... I did also collate envelope of necessary documents prepared to hand to HR at The Neat & Tidy Piano Movers tomorrow morning.
* Perish the thought!** whilst smugly congratulating myself for having the foresight to note down card numbers and cancellation 'phone numbers many years ago in case of this very situation
*** She did say that she thought something fell down when she was doing something there earlier in the day!