Thursday, 21 June 2012

Thank God That's Over

Another entry covering two days ... it has been a busy week.

Wednesday should have been filled with me studiously preparing for the client presentation on Thursday. I think it is fair to say that I have been somewhat preoccupied with this meeting as I am not a natural salesman and am being asked to spin the positives of something that currently has less substance than a light mist ... Cloud Bullshitting is a most accurate description.

I seem to have wandered slightly off the point or, perhaps more accurately, I was required to "wander away" as Wednesday was SMS's Father's funeral. Obviously it was a very sad day but he had made marvellous plans and the choice of venue was astounding. His chosen crematorium had a glass wall that meant the congregation sat looking at the coffin and behind was an elevated view over the trees and fields of Redditch's Abbey Park. It was splendid in the afternoon sun and made an initially odd choice make a lot of sense. There was a moment of humour too as he had apparently been interred with a copy of the Stratford Herald carrying his obituary so that he could be sure that he was dead.

A surprise attendee was my elder sister who I haven't spoken to since 2008, and very little prior to that, I think it fair to say that the conversation was stilted at best and I am absolutely certain it will be at a similar occasion that will be the cause of our next meeting too.

After the wake I was back at the desk writing presentation scripts and trying to make the words stick in head. I had rehearsal call with Victor and he seemed reasonably pleased with my spiel adding only a couple of more positive points.

Thursday started very early and I was out of the door by half past six and turning in to the car park of our "pre-meet" venue just after eight thirty. We spent a couple of hours going over last minute changes and making sure we were all "on message" and then it was a short drive over to the Presentation venue.

It all went really well and due to a lingering session on our Architectural Proposals I was asked to rattle through my slides. The consequence was that I did no more than stress they key points and tell Victor to move to the next slide ... It was a great experience and one that I will now feel a lot more comfortable with next time.

The car park, post-match analysis suggested that we had down enough and should expect to be going through to the next round which will be announced towards the end of July.

It was most definitely a case of Thursday being the new Friday as I climbed in to the car for the drive home. I plan to do very little tomorrow on the work front.

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