Yes, after the Crown fell out last Thursday I popped in the the Dentist for a consultation. It is as I feared and a further appointment has been made for Wednesday morning for an extraction. Apparently there is only so much repair work that a tooth can take and over the years this one has had fillings followed by root canal work before finally being crowned about 5 years ago.
I will, of course, consult with Bad Man Senior* just in case he feels flush and will pop a fiver under my pillow** but I am guessing that my chances are slim to zero.
On the work front I had another
* Truly one of the scariest incarnations of the Tooth Fairy in the entire Universe** This is actually a parental obligation and he needs to be careful as this is verging on Child Neglect
Now I don't want to enflame any South/West divide, but forty nine quid? I will have spent that just saying haylay (hello with your mouth open), but then there are no National Health Service dentist slots within a hundred miles!