Sometimes I have Polos in my pocket
Sometimes I have dog biscuits in my pocket
Sometimes I have both
Sometimes Polos undergo a packaging malfunction
Sometimes the dogs get minty gravy bones
Sometimes I get gravy flavoured mints
Sometimes worse things happen!
DIY News
After an extended period of procrastination I finally made a start on the preparation work needed on the Stairs and Landing. There was an abortive attempt to fit the final piece of skirting board last week but I quickly discovered that one of the radiators needs to be removed and repositioned to achieve this. As this will involve the local Plumber I have put this off until we get back from our holiday...
... so what did I do today? I stripped the paint from the Bannisters and am quite pleased with the result. I am aware that there is a huge amount of work to do before we are ready for the painters but at least I have now made a start.
I'm afraid that next time you offer me a polo / doggy biscuit I shall have to graciously decline. Thanks for the offer though. ;-)