Thursday 25 June 2020

Another quiet day

It was another quiet day today, so my key accomplishments were to go and get myself 1,000 shotgun cartridges and mow the lawn.

The quantity of cartridges might seem a little excessive until one notes that a morning's clay shooting will comprise one hundred sporting clays.  Today's shopping will therefore only keeping me going for ten outings.  Actually even less, as Grubby Mark and I are going on a simulated game day in a couple of weeks and the expectation is that we will go through five hundred cartridges over the course of that day.

I've only ever shot game once before on a soaking wet day last December.  A simulated game day is something new and, by the scant details squeezed from Mark, it basically sounds like a bunch of people with shotguns firing at a torrent of incoming clays over the course of the day.*

It's only a week away, so watch out for an update.

Finally, on a completely unconnected subject, what on earth is going through the minds of the people at the AA?  About a year ago I cancelled my subscription to their roadside assistance service.  There are lots of reasons why, but principally it's because I get a no claims discount on my car and bike insurance and expect the same from the AA.  Fuck it, we have only ever broken down twice in the past twenty years and, at about ninety quid a year, it makes more sense to pay per breakdown rather than fund the AA.

Now, back to my grumble; since cancelling my AA subscription I get the occasional offer to rejoin.  The AA describe it as a tempting offer.  I've looked at the price and it is neither "tempting" nor "an offer".  They simply present their basic service price.  As soon as I have added in cover for 30% we are right back at the price I was paying when I cancelled!

Now, I'm not sure whether the AA have noticed or not, but the whole bloody country has been in lockdown since the end of March and are still being encouraged to socially distance and work from home if at all possible.  I estimate that I have driven no more than one hundred miles in the past thirteen weeks.  Why would I resubscribe when neither of us are actually using our vehicles?
*  With several breaks for refreshments and bullshitting  

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