Friday, 10 January 2025

Liquidating Assets

I had an appointment with the dental hygienist this morning. I mentioned that I had some recent discomfort with one of my teeth and it appears that I need a filling too. As a result my appointment was aborted and rescheduled to next Tuesday, as more time would be needed to complete the work.  I will now have the pleasure of a twenty five minute appointment featuring anaesthetics, drilling and that, oh so pleasant, scrape and polish. I really can't wait!

On my return I prepared for the arrival of Mike, the chap that had contacted me earlier in the week about the sale of my Browning shotgun.  It is fair to say that I was somewhat apprehensive about selling the shotgun. Mike was a complete unknown and could be anywhere on a spectrum that ranges from nice guy to homicidal maniac. Then there are the legal aspects to consider. I needed to verify his identity and ensure that his shotgun license was legitimate. I also needed to ensure that the monies were transferred and that the relevant Police firearms units were notified of the sale. 

If any of this goes wrong the least worst outcome is that I loose out on the sale fee. The worst case scenario is a world of trouble with the Police and Magistrates.

As it happens Mike was genuine and a pleasure to do business with. I also managed to persuade him to part with an extra twenty quid over the agreed sale fee, in exchange for a spare gun slip that I no longer needed. 

Later in the day I had the first viewing of the Series 2. A chap call Phil arrived and gave it a thorough going over. He eventually started to haggle, but we couldn't agree on a price. His limit appeared to be £1900, which I politely declined.* 

I pointed out that he was the first to view the vehicle and that I had a long list of other people queuing up to come and take a look. I also let him know that I'd agree to a price provided that it began with a two. He declined to move any further, so I let him disappear in to the frosty darkness while I returned to the warmth of the fire.

The next chap is scheduled to turn up tomorrow at midday.


* I am asking £2250

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