Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Tessa, whoever she may be?

The work on the path at the front of the house continues and the Indian green sandstone paving stones were laid today. It is going to look really smart once they have been grouted and edged with pea gravel.

A couple of days ago, during the construction of the hardcore base, Jason knocked at the door. They had lifted the old step and discovered a finely worked grave stone. The face of the stone is about a foot square, and it is seven inches deep. It bears the inscription "Tessa, 1957 - 1969" and this has been done with much skill and care.

We can only assume that this was a memorial to a much loved pet, and it seemed quite disrespectful to have used it as a foundation stone for some steps. It has now been placed in the low stone wall that borders the front lawn and can be seen each time we leave the house.

Our neighbours;* Charmian and Peter have lived here for many decades and were certainly familiar with the two previous owners. It is hoped that they may be able to shed some light on who Tessa was.

My day was hardly momentous. I visited the dentist this morning for a filling and a cleaning session and, on the homeward journey, picked up a bag of layers pellets from the feed store. I also checked on the state of the charging batteries. They seem to be taking a charge, so it looks like I'll be treating the hives for varroa in the next few days.


* They live out of sight, on the other side of the low hill about four hundred yards away from the cottage. That's the definition of a neighbour round here.

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