Friday, 31 January 2025


Friday started with a checkup with the CHEC Ophthalmologist.

The CHEC service again managed to demonstrate a complete inability to schedule appointments, with my 9.45 appointment taking place at half past ten.   How the hell they can be running three quarters of an hour late so early in the day amazes me.  I wonder what the delay will be by the time the last appointment of the day takes place?

As for the consultation, that was surprisingly productive. 

For many years I have suffered from recurring corneal abrasions on the surface of my left eye. These date back to a gardening injury and they are not pleasant. Luckily I am just recovering from one of these incidents and luckier still my appointment happened to be with a Corneal Consultant.

He took my eye pressure readings and these were satisfactory and then took a careful look at my left eye. He advised that I need to be referred to an NHS Cornea Clinic to have a corneal bandage applied. Apparently this is a contact lens that is worn for up to three months. It protects the cornea and allows it to heal properly. The reason for the recurring abrasions is that the eye can become dry at night and the simple action of blinking can cause an abrasion at the site of the original injury ... let's see how long before I hear from the NHS.

After the fun that is the CHEC service, we headed over to see Helen and spent a very pleasant couple of hours drinking coffee, and eating cake. The main outcome from the morning was that we have finally agreed the dates for our next Narrowboating holiday.* I also drew a quite fantastic giraffe for Helen's granddaughter Olivia.

That's pretty much all that took place on Friday. I had great intentions, but had a massive kip instead.


* Easter 2025

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