Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Crouching tiger eats a biscuit

On yesterday's dog walk I bumped in to Kung Po Fran.* 

We passed the time of day and I enquired about whether she had any vacancies in the exercise classes that she runs in the local Parish Education Centre. She confirmed that she did and, after a later chat with 30%, we had booked ourselves in to attend Fran's Wednesday Tai Chi class.**

Now, back to today. 

First activity was to get the Defender dropped off at the garage in Astwood Bank for its MOT test.

That took very little time and I was soon back at home in the kitchen. We have friends coming to stay on the 22nd and 30% thought it would be nice for me to make them a cake. 

After my success at Christmas I decide to knock up another carrot cake.  The cake took most of the morning and I can report that, short of actually tasting it, it seems to have been a successful bake.***

As the cake was cooling the garage called to confirm that the Defender had passed its MOT and could be collected at any time. This is a relief and the final step before advertising it on Autotrader.

I then headed out with Hobson around the Three Miler. 

On my return there was time for a quick coffee before heading over to collect the car. The garage were amazed by the condition of the vehicle and confirmed that my asking price was spot on ... let's hope potential buyers agree!

There was then time for a quick kip before we headed down the lane for our Tai Chi lesson.

I must admit that I was somewhat apprehensive, as some of the routines and sequences are quite complex and I am, most definitely, not a dancer!

However we both enjoyed ourselves and even remembered certain moves and positions. The one I recall with absolute certainty is the crouching tiger eats a biscuit. ****


* This is clearly a nickname, developed from my proclivity to confuse and bastardise facts in an attempt to amuse myself

** We are not absolute beginners, as we used to go to Fran's class about five years ago. Our attendance was curtailed for reasons I can't recall, but I do remember how much we enjoyed the physical and mental challenges of this incredibly complex exercise/choreography/martial art class.

*** One might think that it will be stale by 22nd March, but the cake freezes incredibly well. It will be thawed and iced the day before our guests arrive.

**** This is absolutely true. If I remember correctly it is a chocolate hobnob.

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