Thursday, 12 September 2024

Thoughts on Beetroot Chutney

This morning was taken up with a visit to the Ophthalmology clinic in Worcester. This time it was 30%'s turn, as she was having her second cataract operation. All went smoothly and we were home and drinking a desperately needed coffee just before midday.

Understandably 30% was feeling somewhat maimed and spent a good chunk of the afternoon sleeping.

I therefore headed to the kitchen and assembled the ingredients for a batch of beetroot chutney.  For some reason I wasn't enthused by the idea of making chutney, but the beets were sat in the bottom of the fridge and the thought of wasting them was anathema to me. I suppose I see a chutney not as food, but as a comestible only slightly more relevant to a plate of food than garnish.

Anyway, I sterilised the jars and spent a couple of hours knocking up about 3 lb, 8 oz of chutney. There was a spoonful left over, which 30% tested with her supper. She has declared it delicious in a cheese sandwich. I'll be leaving it a couple of weeks, before I make any assessment.

This evening I met up with Bubbles and Ben for a few hours fishing at Fladbury.  As we head towards Autumn, the weather has become chilly and by nine o'clock we were packing our tackle back in our cars. I think there may only be a couple more evening's fishing before we resort to the occasional day out through the colder months.

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