Having had to chop up two trees in the past couple of month, I am more than ready to do something different.
My plan for today was to get the logs stacked and finally see the job finished. The weather wasn't particularly pleasant this morning. It was dry, but there was a cold wind.
As I've already said, my enthusiasm for chopping up and stacking firewood has significantly diminished, and I wasn't overly keen on doing the job in unpleasant weather.
Fortunately the completer/finisher side of my nature kicked in and I headed out to brave the cold. Luckily the log shed is fairly well sheltered and I settled to my task.
Stacking the logs wasn't particularly straightforward as they have been hand hewn from knotty conifer wood. They are all shapes and sizes. My morning was therefore spent assembling a three dimensional jigsaw ... with no box and no picture on the lid.
The job took most of the morning and I was reasonably pleased with the result. It looks nowhere near as neat as my previous log pile, but it'll do. They just need to dry for about eighteen months and I'll be moving them again ... to the hearth in the lounge.
It seems that I was fortunate with the timing of this task, as the weather turned foul after lunch. A cold rain accompanied the wind and indoors was the only place to be.
I lit a fire and spent the afternoon finishing off Bob Mortimer's Hotel Avocado. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't quite up to the originality of The Satsuma Complex. I'd give it a three out of five ... worth a look, but borrow it from a mate if you can.*
The only other thing worthy of mentioning is the call from the BMW dealership. Apparently they do not have the replacement part needed for the EGR cooler recall and will only be able to perform the service and MOT tomorrow. That is really bloody annoying as it was the main purpose for the visit and it now means that I will need to take the car back in again. At this point in time they cannot advise when the part will be available ... it's not great customer service is it?**
* Don't ask me for it. I refuse to lend books, even to my best friends. I've had too many disappear that way. Racheal Harper Clemens, I am still waiting for you to return my copy of Dark Fire by CJ Sansom!
** BMW always send out a customer service survey after a visit to their dealerships. On previous occasions it has been made VERY clear to me that any score less than a perfect 10 is not well received. Apparently things can get very uncomfortable for the Dealership, and they would prefer that you don't bother to leave unfavourable reviews. At the moment I am erring towards a three, possibly a four.