We have been considering slimming down our collection of vehicles for the past few weeks.
The Defender is absolutely extortionate to tax* and it does little more than the occasional trip to the Tip and a weekly fishing outing during the lighter months. It may be a cool vehicle, but it is costing one thousand pounds a year to tax and insure. Then I need to take account of diesel costs, if I am to actually drive it.
We have decided that it is time for it to go. Our plan is to sell the Defender and part-exchange 30%'s little Seat Arona. As for our proposed new vehicle, we plan to buy a larger, petrol engined SUV and have a tow bar fitted. This will enable us to still be able to pull a trailer to the Tip and to navigate the rutted tracks down to the River Avon.
30% has found a very nice BMW X3 up in Nottingham and has scheduled a viewing and test drive for tomorrow.
No problem I hear you say, apart from the fact that I have seen pig sties cleaner than her Seat and hovels that are tidier.
Needless to say, the car needed to be cleaned today.** So 30% did what any responsible car owner would do and buggered off to Ikea with the coven.
Muggins here was left to brave the cold and spend a most of the day cleaning the exterior. It took a good few hours with the pressure washer and then a bucket of hot, soapy water to get it clean, but the end result was worth it.
I point blank refused to touch the interior of the car ... that was 30%'s job when she returned from her shopping jolly.
* £735.00 per annum
** to maximise its px value
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