Wednesday, 5 February 2025

I think I'll go back to using the Hereford branch

 Today's main event was the delivery of the 5 Series to the dealership in Cheltenham for its MOT and Oil Service. 

The original plan was for the EGR cooler to be replaced too, as part of a vehicle recall programme. The Dealership called yesterday to advise that the component was on back order, and that it would need to be done at a later date.

So, we dropped off the car and attempted to find out when the recall work would be scheduled. It is fair to say that the Service Manager we spoke to was evasive, contradictory and waffly. I should add in apologetic for fairness, but evasive, contradictory and waffly were my main takeaways from the conversation.

It appears that they are working through the recalled cars in VIN number order. I will be contacted when it is my vehicle's turn and this could take a couple of months. 

If that is the case why does the official BMW communication advise me to contact the dealership and arrange the recall? Furthermore, if this is the case, why wasn't I told this when I booked the car in for the work in early January?

Also, if they're working on the in-scope vehicles in VIN No order, how do they do that? I could take my 5 Series in to any BMW Dealership for the work. They have no idea what vehicles will be taken to them for the work. They won't know the vehicle identity until the point that it is actually booked in and how do they identify which owners they need to contact?

If you ask me, it sounds like I have been fed a line here!


* To add attempted injury to insult; at five minutes to five this evening I received a vehicle inspection video showing a few items of work that need attention on the car. I accept that it will need a new front tyre, but I wasn't going to pay BMW rates for that work. I scanned down the list and noticed that they wanted to charge me over sixty quid to put in 8 litres of Adblue. Now I am aware that ten litres of Adblue will cost me £16 and I pour it in to the car via the cap next to the fuel filler. It is literally as simple as putting diesel in the car.

How the fuck do they justify a sixty quid charge for that?

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