Monday, 3 February 2025

I'm getting fed up with moving logs

 I woke this morning and felt somewhat jaded. 30% reminded me that Bubbles had been very generous with the Jammy Red yesterday evening.* It seems that I have a hangover.

Fortunately it wasn't too horrific a reminder of yesterday's get-together and a couple of ibuprofen soon took care of the headache.

The main event of the day was the arrival of the drainage contractors. They had finally arrived to finish the work started in December. The work had been aborted as the ground had been far too wet to cope with anything but foot traffic, but they now deemed it possible to complete the job.

Three tons of top soil arrived, mats were laid on the lawn to minimise damage, and they spent most of the morning repairing the berm.  The soil has been raked out and grass seed has been scattered. Let's see what it looks like when everything has settled. 

As for me, I finally got my act together late in the morning and headed out to the orchard with a wheelbarrow. My plan was to move the pile of logs from the site of the felled tree across the orchard to the log shed. I thought I'd get a couple of barrows-full moved before lunch, but I found my mojo and had most of the job finished before I ate.

It was only twenty minutes work, after lunch, to finally finish the job and now I just need to stack them. Mind you, the cynic in me did note that I had spent more than an hour moving logs and the heap had simply moved thirty yards ... not a lot of change really.


* This was surprising, not because Bubbs is tight, rather because he is not a drinker. It is very, very rare that we see him with alcohol in a glass.

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