Monday, 10 February 2025

I didn't do much

 It was another bitterly cold day and, as a result, I was disinclined to do anything but sit in front of the fire.

However the ashes needed to be cleared from the log burner and the log rack needed filling before I could relight the fire. 

Sorting out the fire and various other pottering activities meant that it was lunchtime before I succumbed, and got a fire blazing.

As the afternoon ticked on I felt that I really ought to achieve something, so I headed out to the workshop.

My plan was to make a replacement sign for my little honey stall. The original sign was damaged a few weeks ago when some old duffer reversed their car in to my stall and drove over the sign.

The sign is made from a roofing slate, trimmed to size, with the lettering done with a paint pen. It is very simple, but "Local Honey, £4.00" is sufficient to bring in the customers.

Anyway, I got the slate cut to size before I made an executive decision; I had spent fifteen minutes in the workshop and my hands were frozen. I decreed that signwriting was a clean job and the best place to finish the sign was in the lounge, in front of the fire.

It was a matter of half an hour's work to knock up my new little sign.

Simple, but effective!

It is somewhat ironic that I ran out of honey last week and need another bucket of honey before the new sign has any value.

In other news, I also managed to find a reasonably priced tyre for the 5 Series. Bubbles has confirmed that he will fit it for me, so I'm confident of making a significant saving on the price quoted by the Dealership.

So, that's it for Monday ... I didn't do much, although I'm ploughing through Terry Pratchett's A Hat Full of Sky.

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