Saturday, 15 February 2025


 Today was wet and cold. Not the sort of day for Bubbles to pick up my the R nineT, so we met up at a fishing tackle shop in Honeybourne instead. The aforementioned store was having a closing down sale, so we popped in to see if there were any fabulous bargains to be had ... There weren't.

Everything was half price, but there was nothing that was a must have. We did pick up a few consumables. The odds and ends that one looses when one's tackle gets snagged and lost, but nothing worth detailing here.

After the disappointing retail experience, we popped in to a nearby bakery and spent a splendid time drinking coffee and catching up on each other's news. Bubbles now plans to pick up his bike next weekend, as the weather should be much improved.

So shopping and coffee took up much of the morning and I headed home for lunch.

We have guests over for dinner this evening and I offered my support to get the house tidied and everything ready. In actuality 30% had everything in hand and there was very little that I could do other than not make a mess.

As for the evening, A&A were great fun and we had a lovely time. Anyone who brings flowers and a bottle of Chateauneuf du Pape is a most welcome guest. The wine flowed freely and 30% had prepared a fantastic dinner featuring pheasant with apples in a cream sauce and a bread and butter pudding made with hot cross buns.

Tomorrow could well be a lazy day.

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